...AIN'T 100 PERCENT WITH MACGREGOR ON THIS... and, frankly,
wish like hell I could focus TOTALLY on what takes first, second and third
place this time of year(after Family, of course)--and that is...you guessed it:
BUT... I DO raise my 13 Star American Flag out front damn near every day...
in honor and remembrance of the early architects of what "I" feel
has evolved over CENTURIES into a unique and specific Culture, Kin,
History, "PEOPLE": The "Native Black American". MY Ancestors, Family,
Blood, Kin, History that I "know"..."feel"? Roots. All here. "America".
I contend that next to the Original Tribes/Native Americans---
"Native" Black Americans are the most rooted in this land.
"De facto-Indigenous"...
And while it ain't been peachy-keen perfect... this is the only home and
People/Culture/History/Kin I can TRULY(for me) claim. And I am proud
and fine with that...(in spite of all the rest of the shit)...
Now, you got a minute? Take a listen to Mr. Macgregor.
Put bluntly: I feel this land of my "blood" is being seriously messed with by
a bunch of unelected "greedy-usurpers". I call them "Clevers".
The "Clevers"---as I perceive them--are a well-connected, coordinated
group of folks who work together and are bound by a shared sense of
"need" to control and "run" things. Okay...some would say "somebody"
has to, 'else there would be chaos, confusion, and dog-eat-dog
lawlessness. *kinda what we got a lot of right now*
BUT... many of "them" are prone to boundless-greed, power-abuse,
self-serving-lying-cheating-manipulating deceit and other bullshit to
indulge themselves at the expense of their cattle-prone/chaos-confused...
ignorantly violent...fellow-Humans.
*They probably dig---that of late they have roundly been refferred to as
"The Elites"... I don't susbscribe to that "royalty distinction". To me, they are
simply "usurping Clevers". The Cloak of Deceit"--is their main power.
Many feel that, presently, they run rampant through American government,
politics, business, finance...media. They come in all shapes, sizes and colors.
AW 9-12-23
ps. Kennedy is America's most honest and best bet for America
right now. Let's not just vote him in--let's OVERWHELM the
usurping Clevers and their America-destructive "games" by a
All-American good ol'-fashion
country-mile... AW 9-12-23
*"corny"...but a damn good idea...