...many of us have been peepin' problems with behind the scenes players
(un-elected) influencing stuff that most Americans are not in agreement with
for YEARS... hence, the final "SORTA SIMPLE" SOLUTION: THE...
A "rough" description has a "tab" in menu-left. Basically, America can do
much better with "known" quantities...than the manipulated "put up puppets",
opportunists and wanna-be's we've been "fed" as our choices in too many
places... in recent "leadership" elections.
Example: My own choices to consider might start in the NFL. 'Guys like Mike
Tomlin, Steve Young, Ryan Fitzpatrick, Andy Reid, Sean MCvay(hell, we've
had an actor/Reagan, a "son"/Bush 2, a businessman/tv personality/Trump.
*In Ukraine--a "comedian" leads(hope that sad tragedy resolves, soon).
How 'bout as opposed to a flock of pumped up cabal maneuvered "put ups"...
"WE" FIND/DRAFT/CHOOSE"... known quantities--that have NOT been
managed/groomed MONEYED into the political spotlight. 'Gamed into our
"choices". WE CAN DO BETTER. MUCH BETTER. (I personally think
Obama's Wife and Mother-In-Law would've been better as President/Vice
President than Obama and Biden--seriously)...
We CERTAINLY can do smarter, more trustworthy/accomplished/
"solid" than what we've had of late...
Who do YOU think would be a good candidate/"team" to lead America/US... forward?
AW 3-25-23